Frank Marshall
Congo is
a ridiculously enjoyable, yet highly overlooked, gem, which features
an outstanding cast and a slew of impressive practical and digital
effects. The film basks in its adventurous nature while never
forgetting to inject an abundance of fun and wonder into the mix,
and the combination of all of its elements makes for one hell of an
enjoyable ride. Spirited in nature and whimsically daring, Congo
whisks us away to a world filled with savage jungles, ancient temples
and killer apes, all in the name of adventure and fun. Sign me up!
The film
follows a motley group of scientists and adventurers, as they set off
on an expedition to the African Congo for various personal reasons.
Dr. Peter Elliot is there because he wants to set his gorilla Amy out
into the wild to communicate with other apes, in hopes that he might
learn something about their way of life. Dr. Karen Ross, on the other
hand, is in search of her company's missing expedition, namely her
ex-fiance who is reportedly in grave danger. Lastly there is
Herkermer Homolka, a Romanian entrepreneur who is in search of the
lost city of Zinj, an ancient mine that is said to contain riches
beyond imagination. Set against the elements of the jungle and
plagued by its many dangers, the team of adventurers soon come to
find that there are some things that are not supposed to be found,
and some places that should never be entered. Congo!

there's one thing to say about Congo, it is that it is jam-packed
with great characters. Dylan Walsh takes on the central role of Dr.
Peter Elliot, the primatologist who has been researching the effects
of sign language on primates, through the use of a mechanism that
allows the animals to vocally communicate. Walsh is absolutely
genuine in this role, giving a simplistic, yet heartfelt, performance
that really pulls on the heart strings as well as engages you on all
that is going on within the film. Coming on board the production as a
frankly unknown actor, gave great credence to his authenticity as an
animal researcher, and combined with his exceptional acting ability,
he was able to really knock this one out of the park. Essentially
paired with him is actress Laura Linney as Dr. Karen Ross, the no
nonsense scientist who can dish it out as well as take it. Compelled
to find her missing co-workers, Linney dispenses a great deal of
courage into her character making you really root for her, even
though at times she can be quite rigid and cold. Like Dylan Walsh,
Linney wasn't a big name star, but she really took on the role and
made it her own, showcasing a great deal of charm and sass as the
determined Karen Ross.
along for the expedition is Ernie Hudson, who takes on the role of
Captain Munro Kelly, the jungle guide. Hudson is absolutely
astounding as the bombastic great white hunter, who just so happens
to be black, and he is given countless moments in the film to really
show his stuff. Witty, courageous, and sharp tongued, Hudson brings a
special spark to the movie, and his presence only adds to the
enjoyability of the movie. The last of the heavy hitters is Tim Curry
as Herkermer Homolka, the opportunistic treasure seeker who has all
his life dreamed of finding the lost city of Zinj. Curry, as always,
is a hoot, as he steals every scene he is in with his over the top
facial expressions and his delightfully entertaining persona. The man
is a living legend in my opinion, and though Congo is not one of his
best performances, it still is chock full of outstanding moments that
will simply put a smile on your face. All in all, the cast is
exceptional and it is one of the reasons that this film is so much
damn fun to watch. Did I also mention that there is a small part
played by the living legend Bruce Campbell? What's there not to like?

from the extraordinary cast, this movie has a great deal of other
aspects that remarkably make it a thing of entertaining beauty. First
and foremost, the production is especially balanced in the effects
department. The collaboration of practical and digital effects are
seamless, and they both meld quite well together to help immerse the
audience into the world that Congo is bringing to the screen. The
elements that are brought together to bring Amy the gorilla to life
are impressive, and the end result is really jaw dropping, as both
performance and mechanized facial expressions produce movie magic
which makes the unbelievable, believable. You'll find yourself caring
about this little furball as if she was a living breathing creature,
and in that aspect I'd say the filmmakers and effects wizards did
their job perfectly.
The same
can be said for the more ferocious creatures of the film in the form
of the gray killer apes. These bad boys are a menace and
blood-thirsty to boot, and the same practical approach of performance
melded robotics are used to these creations, and with great results.
They are frighteningly grotesque and they make for outstanding
opposition to our unsuspecting heroes. Their initial meeting with
these mythical beasts is one of the most potent moments of the film,
and a great deal of the credit should go to the outstanding creature
design of the gray killer apes. Of course it is the locations and
presence of the jungle locales that really aid in bringing these
moments, and this film in general, all together. From the majestic
volcanic mountainside, to the ravaging river rapids, to the thick
lush rainforests, this production allows itself to get immersed in
its jungle settings making for an adventurous outing that is truly
entertaining and above all, fun.

Congo is
without a doubt one of the most remarkably underrated films to have
ever come out during the mid 90's. Its combination of jungle
exploration coupled with its stupendous cast and wild special
effects, should have assured it a place in cinema lover's hearts, but
instead it was overlooked and mysteriously panned on its initial
release. Maybe it was the film's lack of super stars which couldn't
capture the attention of a dedicated following, but in my opinion,
this never came into question when viewing it for myself. All the
actors involved did a tremendous job in bringing this behemoth to
life and the adventurous nature of the film is impossible to ignore
and write off. The sympathetic performance of Dylan Walsh, the tense
portrayal of Laura Linney, the charismatic presence of Ernie Hudson,
and the devilish nature of Tim Curry, is a match made in cinema
heaven and I have always appreciated the strange concoction that is
Congo's cast of characters.
onto that great structure is a film production that knows how to use
effects and understands the careful balance of applying it so that it
doesn't overwhelm the story and take you out of the picture. The
creation of Amy the gorilla is a beautiful combination of film-making
mechanisms that aid in bringing that sense of reality and
authenticity to the forefront, all while presenting some overtly out
of this world concepts, such as a talking ape. This same application
can be seen in the film's other special effects as miniatures and
digital creations form in bringing some of the most lively moments of
the film to life. Possibly ahead of its time, and definitely missed
by a mass audience, Congo is a movie that generates a great deal of
atmospheric fun. You've got a group of adventurers, scientists, and
treasure hunters, on a crash course to an ancient city crawling with
killer apes. How can this not be entertaining? If you're in the mood
for an adventure that is truly fun and remarkably enjoyable, then
give this one a go. Congo is.....

Bruce!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! |
Over Oppressive Work-Place Staring Contest! GO! |
Oh Amy... You're such a little sweet-heart. |
It's not a bad question Burt. |
Oh Tim Curry..... You silly beautiful bastard you. |
This ape really knows how to party first class. |
Double your fun! |
I get it man! You really liked Ghostbusters! Can we move on with our lives now? |
Pull my monkey finger you freaky lizard. |
Ernie Hudson is cool as shit... that is all. |
Who wants to play king of the mountain? |
Oh shit! There goes the neighborhood. |
Where the shit are we? |
Good idea bringing the emergency Rave equipment and not more guns... Ass! |
Damn you Amy and your cuteness! Damn it to HELL! |
A god among men. |
What you talking about Apey? |
Anyone order roast Ape? |
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